Guide to ACO

Welcome to Antiva Chronus Online!
My name is Guide Fairy Hikari and I'm going to help you get started in Antiva Chronus Online! 

What is Antiva Chronus Online? 

Antiva Chronus Online (ACO for short) is a Virtual Reality Mass Multiplayer game of 21st century.  It was created by japanese scientist Kawakami Yoshihiro in 2025. Ever since its release this game's popularity has only been growing, more then 10 million copies of it have been sold world wide. More and more people have grown addicted to this game ever since the time limit update was applied. People can now spend longer time in ACO (1 day in real life equals 8 days in game). One day Game Master decided to teach players a lesson and trapped 100,000 most addicted players inside the game. And what's worse, once player dies in the game the Insitus Gear will destroy his brain thus killing him in real life as well. If you wish to read full introduction to Antiva Chronus Online please visit this page here.

Where do I begin? 

First I suggest you take deep breath and take things slowly. There's a lot of information you need to get familiar with before you start playing Antiva Chronus Online. First of all, you should read forum rules so there wouldn't be any conflicts between you and the staff. You can read ACO rules here

Now when you have read the rules, it's time to introduce yourself to other players. Tell us what do you like to do, why you chose to come to ACO and what do you expect to find here. You can post your introduction right here

How can I create my character? 

 Creating a character is probably the hardest part of the game because during the process you have to learn about Battle skills, Magic skills, Natural skills and all sorts of other stuff. But don't give up, once you get a hold of things, you'll find out that it was all worth it. In order to make character creation easier, I have created a template for all new players to use here. Everything you need to know about character creation can be found in the template, but if you still don't understand something, don't panic and simply contact the staff, they will explain everything to you! 

I have created my character. What do I do next? 

Well, first you should know that roleplaying in Antiva Chronus Online is quite unusual. Instead of putting your posts in locations of their happening place, you post by chapters. Why? Because in ACO there are over 100 locations, imagine the mess if you had to post each post in next location. That's why it's easier to post by chapter, which basically determinates time of happening event. It means that at some certain chapter ACO will come to an end, but don't be discouraged. After all good things come to an end, so another good thing may have a beggining.
Remember that before starting each chapter you must read chapter's description and fulfil certain task given at the chapter. Also you cannot start the game with 5th chapter, you have to go from the beginning to the end. Here you may check description for 1st chapter, which I have made quite easy so you would get a hang of things better!

What happens after I finish all the chapters?

That will surely take some time, because as you know to write a good and fun roleplay, time must be invested in it. And since it will take time for other person to respond to your post, I have made other ways for you to entartain yourself. Just check around the forum and you'll see them for yourself.
Also don't forget to take part in Side Stories, Special Events and Monthly Events.

I hope this guide has helped you to understand Antiva Chronus Online. Enjoy your stay here and most importantly have fun!